
Part 2…Routine is everything


Last week we talked about job loss and the ability to keep some sanity in your life.  We talked about the fact that to keep your life “on the rails” you have to keep up your routine.  Attempting to stop everything and concentrate on the job search is not a good strategy.  Now lets visit the idea of starting a new chapter in your life.  Again, the first reaction upon hearing you landed a choice job offer is that you’re going to have to abandon all “extra” things in your life.  Things that YOU perceive as not moving the ball forward with your new job.  And again, this is the WRONG thing to do.


Routine is everything for me.  It comforts me and lets me know, mentally, that everything is going to be ok and any change in my life, including a major change like a new job is part of life’s bumpy road.  Just like losing a job is part of the journey.  It is not an end to anything, it is a new beginning.  Part of the problem is I am a planner.  I have to have everything planned out before I feel it can run smoothly.  One thing I have learned over the years is this is not natural.  It is not the way the world works and I should not expect it to work that way.


Life has a way of working things out naturally.  Like Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park says “Life finds a way.”  The secret is you have to trust.  The only thing you can control is your attitude.  So I keep running. Just like the saying goes…I can only worry about the things I can control.  Everything else will work itself out.  I am on a different path now, one that even a few months ago I couldn’t have imagined.  I’m ok with that.  Because I believe these things will work out for the better.  Someone once told me the only thing that is constant is change.  Well, one thing I’m not going to change is my running, because…


What happens when a runner gets a new job?  He runs!