Part 2…Routine is everything Last week we talked about job loss and the ability to keep some sanity in your life. We talked about the fact that to keep your life “on the rails” you have to keep up your routine. ...
The Lonely Path Ahead Running can be is therapeutic. When I found myself with a lot more time in the day for myself I made the mistake of thinking I needed to stop running. My thought was that if the activity wasn’t ...
Really? I’m the guy standing next to you at the start line. I try to make small talk because I’m nervous. It’s then I notice… you have your earbuds in. It’s race day and the event you’ve been ...
Rugby! “Soccer is a gentleman’s game played by hooligans. On the other hand, rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen.” – at least partially attributed to Winston Churchill Yes, rugby is a rough ...
I love it! Running in the snow. Wearing 3x the amount of clothes I usually wear (layered, of course). Being (really) alone because all of the other runners with even a little bit of self respect, and/or brains, have taken their ...
Or Do You Say DreadMill? Well, it’s that time of year again. The time of year all of us who LOVE running outside DREAD. Time to take our running inside and deal with the treadmill. Now, I know what you’re thinking…if ...
Sometimes It’s hard to let go… Running is a great activity. It is, of course, a sport so it checks one box for me in that it helps keep me in shape. Something I didn’t even think about when I started, is ...
What am I thankful for this holiday season? Sometimes things happen to you that turn out better for you than the original thing you had planned. Does that make sense? I didn’t think so. I’ll have to ...
No Plan? As a seasoned athlete, you know the preparation, the planning, the worrying that goes into running a race. Logistics is a concern. How are you going to make it to the event? Will you be driving, flying? What’s ...
Got Meat? A few weeks ago, while driving through Lockport, IL, my wife asked if I would like to stop and get something to eat. I said sure! I’m always ready for a meal! The place we stopped at was The Vegan Cafe. As we ...
I am a seasoned athlete who enjoys the fact that I can still do what I love: RUN.
Now I’m hoping to help shape ideas about what it means to be an Antiquated Runner. Let’s go!