


Photo by Andrea Placquadio @pexels.com

When I run, as an antiquated runner,

I have to always be looking to the future not the past and also always checking my condition. That is, how is everything going? feeling? This “checking systems” is a constant part of me and my life. When I am running every soreness or bump in the road has to be dealt with on the fly. This includes not only looking for physical hazards that can trip me up, but also different pains I might be feeling. I have to ask myself if a pain is something I can deal with and “run through” or is it something bad, something I need to stop and deal with now. 


That’s what we are all experts with, right? To be able to diagnose something on the fly and deal with it? Well, last January I joined a challenge to run ever day in the month. It went well, so well that I decided to keep MY STREAK going. We were having a mild winter and I felt good, so why not keep THE STREAK going?


I’ll tell you why. As my running continued, day by day, I started to feel some discomfort and then pain in my knees. I should have stopped and rested, but I didn’t because I wanted to keep THE STREAK going. At day 135 I ended up quitting with two very inflamed Iliotibial (IT) Bands. 


As anyone who has had IT Band Syndrome can relate, I had a long rehab ahead of me starting just in time for the spring running season. 


There are many fun and healthy and motivating things about running every day. As I stated above, there are also many possible pitfalls. It is your job to be aware of your own status. Do you need a rest? Are you ok to keep going? Only you can answer that.


With that out of the way, lets get started on our list of the pros and cons of running every day. 



*Improved cardiovascular health. Running is a great way to improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases.

*Reduced risk of obesity. Running can help you burn calories and lose weight, or help you maintain a healthy weight.

*Increased muscle strength and endurance. Running can help strengthen your leg muscles and improve your overall endurance.

*Improved mental health. Running has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

*Increased energy levels. Running can help you feel more energized throughout the day.

*Better sleep quality. Running can help you sleep better at night.

*Increased lifespan. Studies have shown that people who run regularly tend to live longer than those who don’t.

Image by Dr Manuel González from Pixabay



*Increased risk of injuries. Running can put a lot of stress on your body, so it’s important to listen to your body and take rest days when you need them.

*Dehydration. It’s important to stay hydrated when you run, especially if you’re running in hot weather.

*Sunburn. If you’re running in sunny weather, be sure to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn.

*Heat exhaustion. If you’re running in hot weather, be sure to take breaks in the shade and drink plenty of fluids to avoid heat exhaustion.

*Irritation of the skin. If you’re running in hot, humid weather, you may experience irritation of the skin, especially in areas where your clothing rubs against your skin.

*Chafing. Chafing is another common problem that runners experience, especially in areas where there is friction between your skin and your clothing.

*Blisters. Blisters are another common problem that runners experience, especially if they’re running long distances or in hot weather.


As you can see, there are both pros and cons to running every day. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to run every day is a personal one that you should make based on your own individual needs and goals.


If you’re considering running every day, I recommend that you start slowly and gradually increase your mileage over time. It’s also important to listen to your body and take rest days when you need them. With a little planning and care, you can reap the many benefits of running without putting yourself at risk of injury or other problems. And remember, any STREAK you have going is NOT more important than your health. As Antiquated Runners, we have to be hyper-aware of our condition and take a rest day when needed. 


I hope this helps!